Saturday, August 11, 2007

"After Eleven" Chapter 02-00

Sisters and brothers in pain….

In This chapter, we will enter what I call the "toilet" zone.

Not form the gate of the grate Sir Alfred Hitchcock, but from my own stinky gate.

don't be surprised when a crack in the ice, Appears under your feet.

To be continued,,,

This blog, is subject to more and more changes……. In the near future.

( This was written in Aug 11, 2007 )

Dear all,
After a long hide and hesitation, I've decided to continuo my story.

I was frightened to reveal things, things that I was ashamed of. Since some of my friends knew my real Identity, I wanted to stop or change my user name. Then I thought what friends are for? If they do not share my sorrows and keep my secrets?


March 30, 2008

ps. for the support I encountered by someone like my new friend Reem, I'll make sure I continue blogging.

23 May 2008

For You Reem. And other Friends, I'm going back, and hope You will like it. Nov, 2008

I'll see you all on Chapter 02-00 Extd.

In Nov, 2008


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