Friday, August 10, 2007

Childhood Chapter 01-10

Dear Viewers,

We arrive to the end of "Childhood Chapter 01" Which has 11 Blogs.

(After Eleven) is where I start a different age and experiences.

Please forgive me if I was too fast or too short...( this is how my sex life is lately).

My Story is too long, and has so many details. As 47 years have passed by, I (by nature), forget things that are bad and sad to me. I discovered in the last 10 Chapters, that only the good things have been mentioned . In addition, I do not have the time to tell it all in every day-to-day details. I am trying to brief you, of the important details that made my personality this hurt, sensitive and complicated.

Please adopt my scenery, and try to understand the environment where it had happened.

I expect no "benefit" or "fame" by revealing my own secrets and sorrows.


Let us get back to "my Disneyland" The last paradise on Earth"

(The thin Ice).

Pink Floyd Song … 1979,,,,,

If you should go skating
On the thin Ice of modern life
Dragging behind you the silent reproach
Of a million tear stained eyes
Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet.
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
With your fear flowing out behind you
As you claw the thin ice

Things that look small and easy to your baby vision, are not real.

"Live longer, see stranger." What I mean here is Live longer and you will see something odder.
Being between the ages of Nine to Thirteen, which I call the most f *****g, beautiful age.

Beautiful Nineteen years old girls molest you. And abuse your spontaneity.

I would love to do it again. If I could? Nevertheless, it is now, HARAM, and prohibited.

And there are somewhat called "Guns, Alcohols and Tobacco Police" or "Hay'aah" to punish you around, for doing Sex, Alcohol or Tobacco.

We are being abused by every Asshole in the country.
Teachers, doctors, uncles, parents, neighbors, friends, brothers, the police and the course treat of the governments.

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