Saturday, August 11, 2007

"After Eleven" Chapter 02-00

Sisters and brothers in pain….

In This chapter, we will enter what I call the "toilet" zone.

Not form the gate of the grate Sir Alfred Hitchcock, but from my own stinky gate.

don't be surprised when a crack in the ice, Appears under your feet.

To be continued,,,

This blog, is subject to more and more changes……. In the near future.

( This was written in Aug 11, 2007 )

Dear all,
After a long hide and hesitation, I've decided to continuo my story.

I was frightened to reveal things, things that I was ashamed of. Since some of my friends knew my real Identity, I wanted to stop or change my user name. Then I thought what friends are for? If they do not share my sorrows and keep my secrets?


March 30, 2008

ps. for the support I encountered by someone like my new friend Reem, I'll make sure I continue blogging.

23 May 2008

For You Reem. And other Friends, I'm going back, and hope You will like it. Nov, 2008

I'll see you all on Chapter 02-00 Extd.

In Nov, 2008


Friday, August 10, 2007

Childhood Chapter 01-10

Dear Viewers,

We arrive to the end of "Childhood Chapter 01" Which has 11 Blogs.

(After Eleven) is where I start a different age and experiences.

Please forgive me if I was too fast or too short...( this is how my sex life is lately).

My Story is too long, and has so many details. As 47 years have passed by, I (by nature), forget things that are bad and sad to me. I discovered in the last 10 Chapters, that only the good things have been mentioned . In addition, I do not have the time to tell it all in every day-to-day details. I am trying to brief you, of the important details that made my personality this hurt, sensitive and complicated.

Please adopt my scenery, and try to understand the environment where it had happened.

I expect no "benefit" or "fame" by revealing my own secrets and sorrows.


Let us get back to "my Disneyland" The last paradise on Earth"

(The thin Ice).

Pink Floyd Song … 1979,,,,,

If you should go skating
On the thin Ice of modern life
Dragging behind you the silent reproach
Of a million tear stained eyes
Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet.
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
With your fear flowing out behind you
As you claw the thin ice

Things that look small and easy to your baby vision, are not real.

"Live longer, see stranger." What I mean here is Live longer and you will see something odder.
Being between the ages of Nine to Thirteen, which I call the most f *****g, beautiful age.

Beautiful Nineteen years old girls molest you. And abuse your spontaneity.

I would love to do it again. If I could? Nevertheless, it is now, HARAM, and prohibited.

And there are somewhat called "Guns, Alcohols and Tobacco Police" or "Hay'aah" to punish you around, for doing Sex, Alcohol or Tobacco.

We are being abused by every Asshole in the country.
Teachers, doctors, uncles, parents, neighbors, friends, brothers, the police and the course treat of the governments.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Childhood Chapter 01-09

My Disneyland

Because of our proximate ages and relationships with other kids and teens in our weekly festival, using a very big play space, we did not spare a moment of excitement or a "run around in groups."

Given all that number of mixed boys and girls in a simple backyard is enough by it's self, but yet to come more fun and challenge.

Our neighbor's kids were there too.

I remember "Asma" a female flower from the neighborhood's garden.
She was the lotus of my dreams. She was my age and height too. Her face color would turn pink and she would bumble and trip every time we had an eye-to-eye contact.

That is how she felt, but what were my feelings…!

Have you ever been in love? I mean first love.

I felt things, things I could not understand nor explain. First, you do not feel your legs; I felt the air was currying me above the sidewalk towards her beautifully staring eyes.

Then, your heartbeat changes its melody.
Every time and every weekend, when I see her coming towards me, I lose the normal heartbeat and feel like a small pin break enroots its way into my little loving heart. I feel as if I am in an airplane that was descending fast with very high speed. I panic, and loose control of words.
I put this in the present tense on purpose because, I see that right now.

I remember when we ever meat, I say "Asma?" and she would reply "Ahmad?" then we hold hands and speak in the same time things we do not mean nor remember.
The very important moment was to spend more time staring into each other. Moreover, enjoy the feeling of flying above the clouds.

Our relationship did not last long. One of the reasons is her age, where the parents always hide their daughters after they reach the age of twelve to fourteen.

Therefore, if you do not strike early, you lose the girl forever. Well, I did strike good but lost. How stupid of me.

Speaking of stupidity, I forgot to reveal the other reason. Saudi society is a complication of various classes.

In addition to the Saudi native's deferent classes, we have the so-called not native origin. Those people who inhabited this country within hundred years ago. Where they are being called names and numbers, just to differentiate between their classes.

I should mention this subject in a deferent blog.

We have a very saying in the thirteen worlds here "you get older, you get over it."

That includes if you get hurt, failed, rubbed, robbed, raped, or taking advantage of, by whatsoever, a schoolmaster, a father, a dentist, or a minister. YOU WILL GET OVER IT. You stupid you!


My own Disneyland.

I spent some good times with other related girls that I had fun with, from the start to the finish.

Beside the Innocent play with same aged girls, we used to play what we used to call, "tonguing." Which means (licking each other's tongue and taste the juice)? We used to do something else. Something called "stomaching." Where I place my naked stomach on top of hers, for a while and feel something we did not believe or encounter or understand...

I'm talking about two babies touching naked stomachs, NO more. (this started since I was eight till eleven).

When my father discovered one of my early versions of nobles, he threatened me of GOD. Lecturing what God would do to me. He said, "If you do not stop now what ever you are doing"," God will use a knife to tear your stomach apart."
I am sorry, sorry, sorry. I did not mean any harm, nor wanted to cause kayos.

Had I stopped all activities? I could not remember…
I remember this. When I became 17, my second true love named Asma too.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Childhood Chapter 01-08

The biggest challenge was…

When we arrive every Thursday afternoon to my Grandfather's big house, we arrive to a big live festival; which goes on for 30 hours.

Let me explain, first my grand father was marred to two wives, having nine daughters and five sons from the ages of 5 to 19.

Therefore, it is exciting to meat all these people and play all kinds of games, the honest ones, and the dirty ones too.

Second, my grandfather's place is a combination of two houses in one big fenced yard consisted of grass, small swimming pool and lots of trees and palm trees. High surrounding walls imprisoned all this beauty.

By the way, palm tree is the national logo of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, those walls are getting taller and uglier.


Beside all that, our neighbors were very social and allowed us to play with their girls too.

All the friends I still have until now are from that time and area.
My Grandfather

He was a mountain of hospitality, generosity, wisdom, courage, toughness and a man of word.

He had a gigantic cloud of esteemed reputation and dignity.

Every Friday, after Friday's prayer he would invite people he does not know, to share his lunch with them.

He would simply grab someone's hand and tells him "you know what? There is a lunch invitation by one of the neighbors that we are going to.

Just accompany us.

" Most of those men are workers and foreign residents, who would go after that Friday's prayer to eat their lunches in some restaurants .

In addition, he wanted to give them a free lunch without embarrassing them.


He used to walk very long distant every day without asking others to give him a ride. Even when his oldest son (my father) had a car, he would not bother asking him for any help.

Although my father is the oldest son, he (my grandfather) had gotten marred several times after my father's mom passed away "he had seven wives including my father's mom, and other sons and daughters. But he never kept more then one wife, except the last two wives at the same time." My father said. "Some of them died before they had children, some of them had children but they and their children died after several epidemics. Like smallpox, tuberculosis, pestilence and measles.

There was also a divorce.

He ones divorced his wife just because she sent him a letter telling him to quit his job and get back to her, after 3 months of hard journey looking for a source of income.

Like me, he does not like to be told what to do.

He was dedicated to Society, Islam, and his family.
I mean it by sorting.

This is a moment of truth but,,,

I will get back to my Disneyland. On my next blog.